Top 5 Reasons You Should Scan Your Documents
These big five are going to help you work more efficiently, simplify your work life, and improve your operations.
- Get rid of the clutter and make more room! Do you have a large amount of paper sitting in storage, file cabinets, or just sitting on your desk? Digitizing your paper files will clear the clutter and make your work environment more enjoyable.
- Save Time! Document scanning can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend on filing. Leaving you more time to work on important stuff like gaining more clients. Did you know? The average worker spends 3-hours a day searching for files over numerous systems and then will have to dive in to find the specific needed data.
- Preparing for Disaster! Where would you be if a pipe burst or fire swept through your office? Did you know? Forty percent of businesses do not reopen following a disaster, and another 25 percent fail within one year. Now is the time to plan to scan your essential files.
- Have a Records Retention Schedule! A records retention schedule guides the transfer of documents from active to inactive storage or destruction. It will also help you ensure your company complies with laws and regulations that apply to the business.
- Make Document and File Sharing a Breeze! When everyone has access to necessary company data in an easy to access location, you and your coworkers will be more productive.
Create a clear vision for your company. Implementing a document imaging plan will create a more organized work environment and improve your operations. We can help you create a simple, seamless experience from our initial consultation to the final document storage solution. Learn more on our website.