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Finding Your "WHY"

Finding Your "WHY"

Finding Your "WHY"

This blog post is courtesy of Monika Taylor, Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia (

Imagine it being half-time during a football game against your favorite rivals (insert name here) and your team is down 20 points. At this point, it is the coach’s job to say something to inspire you―to get you going. Through it, you are reminded of your WHY-your reason for pushing forward.

I believe each of us has to find our WHY in life. Your WHY is that ‘thing’ that motivates us to keep going when we simply do not want to, especially in the age of COVID. Life can be a challenge. Finding (or remembering) your WHY will uplift you when you feel like giving up.

During Recovery Program Solutions of Virginia’s (RPSV) virtual and in-person support groups, participants with mental health, substance use, and homelessness issues strive toward recovery in a variety of ways―through art, through getting back to the basics, to learning about health and wellness, through overcoming loneliness, and more. Our programs are free.

I have the great pleasure of facilitating the virtual Loneliness group sessions, held each Thursday at 7 pm. We have participants attend from across Northern Virginia, Maryland, DC, and have even had guests from as far away as Sweden and Pakistan. This just clearly reminds us that loneliness is truly universal, especially now.

My goal as an RPSV virtual support group facilitator is to help people smile, laugh, find encouragement, make friends, and be genuinely happier―and it is working. We are like a family! In the group, we sometimes discuss “stuff” we would all rather avoid, like why we are kinder to others than to ourselves. Although the discussions sometimes make us uncomfortable, working through it individually and as a collective helps all of us overcome possible hesitation we may have to just get started (or to continue) toward our goals. Together, we find motivation. Together, we are finding our WHY.

Recently, one of our group members secured employment. She shared she used the techniques she learned in RPSV’s virtual support groups to negotiate and advocate for herself with her new employer. She said, “Through RPSV’s virtual support groups I am becoming the person I’ve always wanted to be!” #beautiful! Her WHY was to secure employment and she succeeded!

If you find your WHY and allow it to motivate you during those times when you would rather just give up―you will realize that as much as you may want to believe the situation is bigger than you can bear…it really isn’t. You truly do have the internal strength and fortitude to forge ahead!

It is through life’s trials we learn the most about ourselves. And, although we would all prefer to skip the lessons, they help us grow and develop. Each trial in life is like rain. Nothing can grow without it. Look at life’s trials as opportunities to shine. You are being tested. Grab your resolve and plow ahead. Trials remind me of the song that says, “joy and pain are like sunshine and rain”. It is really true.

When you are facing a trial visualize pulling on your rain parka and your most comfy boots then find that something within you to rally through the pain. You can move forward by always staying focused on your WHY.

To negate the negative thoughts that often derail our efforts, remember that worry and depression are about the past and anxiety is about the future. Focus on the right here and now! Do something every day to achieve your WHY. You will be happier!

If you get stuck in the ‘mud’ and need help, just reach out. RPSV is here for you. Our services are available to all who can benefit. We have programs either virtually or in person every day of the week. We are truly here for you!

For a full list of our programs, please visit or call us at (800) 374-4198 today. RPSV is a proud member of the Reston Chamber.

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