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Dulles Area Transportation Association

Dulles Area Transportation Association

Non-Profit Organizations/AssociationsPrivate Non-ProfitTransportation

About Us

DATA Supports Sustainable Mobility for All

For over 30 years, DATA has been the voice for transportation management in the greater Dulles Area. DATA works with employers to offer sustainable commute options to their employees. In addition to reducing employee stress levels, employers tell us having multiple commute options is an attractive benefit when recruiting employee candidates.

DATA considers mobility a basic human right and has a number of projects that increase the mobility of underserved populations in Northern Virginia, including elderly, veteran, and disabled residents.

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Ray Billings
President & CEO
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Mr. Luke Frazza
Program Outreach Manager
Ms. Terri Lamb
Program Outreach Manager
Ms. Sarah McGowan
Director of Programs
Douglas Pickford
Senior Advisor

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