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Rock n Flow Yoga

Rock n Flow Yoga

YogaHealth Care ConsultantsHealth Maintenance OrganizationsHealth, Nutrition, WellnessLifestyle, Health ManagementMental Health

About Us

Welcome to Rock n Flow Yoga®, where movement meets joy, and every session becomes a memorable experience! A proudly women-owned, non-studio yoga business, we specialize in bringing personalized, all-level yoga classes and engaging workshops to you. Whether flowing on your mat with our dynamic vinyasa classes or balancing on a paddleboard in tranquil waters, our certified instructors tailor details to your needs. Additionally, we’re thrilled to partner with Doggy Noses and Yoga Poses, blending wellness and animal rescue organizations for unforgettable puppy yoga classes! From retreats and festivals to private events and corporate wellness, Rock n Flow Yoga® is here to help you recharge and connect in a fun, healthy, and meaningful way.


Kimberly reflecting at the Lincoln Memorial.
Kimberly in side plank Utthita Vasisthasana.
Kimberly in Dancer's pose Natarajasana.
Goo Goo Dolls' Robby Takac and Kimberly at Music Is Art Festival

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Kimberly Evering

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