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Western Fairfax Christian Ministries

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries

Non-Profit Organizations/Associations

About Us

Western Fairfax Christian Ministries is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides food and financial support to those at risk of hunger and homelessness in western Fairfax County.


Non-perishable food is always needed.
The WFCM client-choice food pantry includes fresh produce, which is always popular.
WFCM Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, April 2023
Senator Warner attends a round table session with WFCM partners, June 2023.
Graduates and leaders of the 10-month WFCM Pathways to Success program, June 2023.
WFCM Staff, September 2023
WFCM Holiday Food Distribution Collage, December 2023
Volunteers working in the WFCM warehouse, January 2024.

Rep/Contact Info

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Diane Beatley
Senior Manager, Community Engagement
Pamela Montesinos
Deputy Director
Harmonie Taddeo
Executive Director

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